WP4: Biodiversity and land degradation: multidimensional approach


By building an online data platform, WP4 integrated data from the scientific WPs, from different sites and made them available for use in the applied WPs. The data platform consists of three modules, the West African Data and Metadata Repository , the West African Vegetation Database and West African Plants – a Photo Guide.

WP4 provided the online database structures, provided manuals for their use and assisted in the integration of content and analysed data from the platform to identify suitable degradation parameters and derive indicator values for integration into the Decision Support System of WP6. Besides the online databases, constituting major resources for botany in Tropical Africa, the Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du Burkina Faso and The flora of Burkina Faso – distribution and conservation status are key products of high significance for science, conservation and the evaluation of ecosystem services in the region.


works to create an improved understanding of the effects of desertification and degradation processes in West Africa and to develop and implement best practices, such as carbon forestry, in close collaboration between scientists and local communities.

Financed by EU-FP7.